ECG cuts power to parliament amidst SONA debate over GH¢ 23m debt

Business in Parliament on Thursday morning was briefly disrupted after power supply was cut off by officials of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) over GHc23 million debt.

Business in Parliament on Thursday morning was briefly disrupted after power supply was cut off by officials of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

The disconnection was necessitated as a result of a GH¢ 23 million debt owed the company.

The incident occurred while the parliamentarians were debating the recent State of the Nation Address (SONA) by President Akufo-Addo on Tuesday, February 27.

The office complex for the MP’s, Job 600 was also affected.

This comes after the ECG threatened to cut power supply to the parliament last week over the outstanding debt of GH₵ 23 million.

The exercise is part of ECG’s “Operation Zero Balance” initiative which seeks to recover all unpaid debts.

Minority in parliament has therefore charged the ECG to release a timetable in effect to what they describe as load shedding.

Addressing the media in parliament on Thursday, Ranking Member on the Mines and Energy Committee, John Abdulai Jinapor said, the country is experiencing power outages because government is unable to buy fuel for the country’s thermal plants.

“we are reliably informed that dumsor will continue today at 12:00pm and it’s only fair that Ghanaians are made aware.”

“One month of load shedding is more than enough. This is not sporadic, this is continuous, this is persistent, and we think that the handlers of the power sector should do the honorous thing by informing the people of Ghana so they can plan their lives.”

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