Those Names And Title Credit You See Before A Movie Starts, Do You Know What They Do? Sure most of you don’t.
So Let’s Break Them Down For Those Who Don’t Know.
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER – This is the one sponsoring the movie. He/She provides the funds and financial backing to execute the project. EPs are usually investors looking to invest their money in a Movie.
PRODUCER – The Producer is the one who assembles the cast, crew, logistics etc He/She is also responsible for paying for cast and crew services (using the funds provided by the Executive Producer) and making all necessary arrangements to make the movie successful. A producer sometimes is also the EP.
PRODUCTION MANAGER – This one assists the producer in managing the provisions being made by the Producer. The PM may also keep financial records and work with the Producer to ensure the Movie stays within the proposed Budget.
DIRECTOR – The one who directs the projects from start to finish. Detecting is the most important part of the moviemaking. He/She takes the lead and directs actors and the rest of the crew to give the movie the desired result that the Producer has outlined.
ACTOR – The actor gets into the character that must be portrayed. He/She has to be very skilled else the movie is not interesting to watch.
STORY – The one who creates the story
SCRIPT/SCREENPLAY – The one who pens the story into spoken words, scenes and montages. The scriptwriter must know how many words that make up a scene in order not to make the scenes too lengthy or too brief.
SCRIPT EDITOR – Reads through the script to correct any mistakes or blunders.
EDITOR -the ones who arrange the video clips from scene to scene in order of sequence to create the movie.
SPECIAL EFFECTS – The one who creates the effects. For example when you see a human flying in the movie
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY – This person takes the video shoots. He selects what camera angles will suit each scene.
LOCATION MANAGER – This is the person who seeks out locations for each scene. He must know the terrains and laws guiding a Location or recruit assistants who know the terrain and laws.
SET DESIGN – The one who creates the environment where a scene takes place. For example, a set designer would design an environment to have the feel and look of a king’s palace
MAKE-UP – Some people think make-up has to do with lips and cosmetics but it is much more than that. The make-up artist turns actors into a desired character. For example, painting an actor to look like a scary ghost
COSTUME – This person selects all the dresses to be worn by actors for each scene
SET PROPS – They manage the properties used on set.
MUSIC – This Person creates the music and soundtracks to be used. He/She may also work with the Editor to select which sound is suitable for each Scene
SOUND – This person ensures the actors remain audible throughout the shoot. Their primary is to hold a mic close to the actors’ speeches whilst still hiding it from the Camera.
SOUND MIXER – Arranges the movie sound to ensure uniformity throughout the movie
LIGHTNING – This person ensures that the video shoots are bright and visible enough by projecting several lights onto the scene. This is very important in night scenes or scenes inside a house.
CASTING – This one selects the Actors suitable for each Scene or Role.
WELFARE/LOGISTICS – The welfare person works with the Producer to see to the wellbeing of the cast and crew during the shoot. This includes food, clothing, shelter and medical needs.