C/R: 18-year-old mother calls for help as she gives birth to “legless” baby girl

An 18-year-old woman, Grace Addobea at Twifo Bonsaho in the Twifo Atti-morkwa district of the Central region has called on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the general public to come to her aid to ensure the survival of her "legless" child.

An 18-year-old woman, Grace Addobea at Twifo Bonsaho in the Twifo Atti-morkwa district of the Central region has called on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the general public to come to her aid to ensure the survival of her “legless” child.

This mysterious and shocking news of Grace Addobea giving birth to a baby girl without legs has become a talking point among residents of Twifo Bonsaho.

According to reports, the mother of the child narrated that, during her pregnancy, she received her antenatal care treatment at the Wassa Ateiku health center and she was assured of a safe and healthy child but on one of her usual visits to in the ninth month, she was told that she didn’t have enough blood to enable her to have a safe delivery and was referred her to Christian hospital popularly known as “church” also at Wassa Ateiku.

She further narrated that, after medical assessments, the doctor told her that the baby was coming with its buttocks so they have to perform surgery to deliver the baby when her time is due for delivery.

“Three days after visiting the hospital, I delivered at home with the help of a traditional midwife and to my surprise it was a baby girl without legs”, Grace said.

Reports further revealed that Grace after delivery tried several times to kill the baby and herself because of the stigmatization.

However, it took the interventions of her parents to stop her and encourage her.

Meanwhile, Grace Addobea dejectedly disclosed that Paa Kwasi who is the father of the child, and her mother-in-law have both deserted her and the baby girl.

Grace and her family are therefore appealing to the general public, NGOs, religious groups and corporate bodies to come to their aid to take care of their child.

NGOs, religious groups, corporate bodies and individuals willing to help Grace Addobea and her child can call 0241575171

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