U/E: Chief of Uwasi calls for community support and development initiatives

The Chief of Uwasi, Naab Akanlusinaam Issah, whose community is rooted in the Builsa Traditional Area of the Upper East Region, has made a heartfelt appeal for support from the government, non-governmental organizations, and benevolent individuals to help build a modern community center for the people of Uwasi.

The Chief of Uwasi, Naab Akanlusinaam Issah, whose community is rooted in the Builsa Traditional Area of the Upper East Region, has made a heartfelt appeal for support from the government, non-governmental organizations, and benevolent individuals to help build a modern community center for the people of Uwasi.

In his address, Chief Akanlusinaam emphasized the importance of peace and active participation among the youth of Uwasi and Ghana, especially in the lead-up to the forthcoming general elections.

He urged the youth to remain law-abiding, respect the nation’s laws, uphold ethical standards, practice good citizenship, and contribute positively to their communities.

Highlighting the significance of education, the Chief encouraged the youth to pursue learning to the highest levels, whether through formal education, self-learning, or study-abroad opportunities. He also stressed the need for them to seek employment opportunities that match their skills and passions.

Chief Akanlusinaam appealed for the extension of electricity to all communities in Uwasi. Additionally, he called on the government to prioritize the construction and rehabilitation of feeder roads and culverts, citing that the poor state of roads hampers agricultural production, and transportation of food products to markets, and causes hardships during the cropping season.

Believing in the power of education, Naab Akanlusinaam urged for the rehabilitation of the community’s basic school. He underscored that leadership’s role is to unite people towards achieving common goals and called on the community to support his developmental agenda.

Finally, the Chief appealed to the people of Uwasi to consider contributing a portion of their earnings towards local development projects, fostering a spirit of collective effort and sacrifice for the betterment of their home.

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